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Going beyond the walls between the humanities and sciences

Masakazu Jimbo, Dean

pictIn the today’s society, information travels instantaneously beyond regions, across borders, and between cultures, the ability to determine what information is “real” is important. It is also becoming increasingly important to be able to appropriately use information, and to be able to provide “accurate” information after processing the incoming information.

Knowledge in one field is not enough to obtain such abilities. It is instead desirable to have knowledge with both breadth and specialization. The School of Informatics and Sciences instils fundamental methodologies related to the handling of information in students studying in all fields. In addition, the school teaches the meaning with which these fundamental methodologies will contribute to society in the future. It is important for people from both the humanities and the sciences to know the methodologies necessary to solve problems. The School of Informatics and Sciences is taught by instructors from what is conventionally known as the humanities and sciences. It is our wish that the students will learn from both of these areas and gain the ability to think from perspectives that are not restricted by traditional classifications in the fields of the humanities or science. Students who gain such abilities will be able to contribute to resolving issues related to information, which can be transmitted instantaneously across various kinds of borders.